• general@panos.org.zm
  • +260-211-263258
  • Mon - Sat 8:00 - 18:00

Lusaka, 26 June 2024: Panos Institute Southern Africa commends the Zambian Government, through the Ministry of Information and Media, for operationalizing the …


Press Statement  Lusaka, 18 June 2024: In commemorating the International Day for Countering Hate Speech, Panos Institute Southern Africa reiterates the need …


Lusaka, Zambia, 05th June 2024 – As we commemorate World Environment Day today, Panos Institute Southern Africa calls for renewed commitments and …


Lusaka, 3rd June 2024: It is with a sense of increasing alarm that we, the undersigned civil society organisations (CSOs), note the …


Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) is a Lusaka based non-profit, non-governmental and evidence-based communication for development organisation that uses innovative communication methodologies …


To commemorate World Press Freedom Day 2024, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf) as part of the USAID Open Spaces Zambia Consortium will …