The Media Development and ICTs Programme seeks to promote a strong media and favourable information and communication environment which are critical to the development and prosperity of poor nations in Southern Africa, where the majority still live in poverty and have limited access to information or platforms for engagement. The programme focuses on addressing the weak Policy and Regulatory Frameworks, weak capacities of the media to drive development dialogue and limited citizens’ access to information held by Public Entities. The programme also focus supports community media development, the participation of media institutions in the broadcasting digital migration, and facilitating the transformation of state broadcasters into public service broadcasters.
Programme Goal
Increased access to development information by the poor and marginalised communities in Southern Africa.
Strategic Objectives
The Media Development and ICTs has the following Strategic Objectives
- To increase media coverage of diverse development issues in southern Africa
- To increase access to information and communication by the poor and marginalised communities using ICTs in southern Africa
- To support the development of the media sector in southern Africa