Condolence message on the passing on of Dr Stellah Mungaila
The board, management and staff of Panos Institute Southern africa (PSAf) have learnt with deep sorrow and regret about the untimely death of Dr Stellah Mungaila, the Executive Director of the Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR), a Zambian NGO.
Under Dr Mungaila’s leadership, the CSPR has been a strong partner of PSAf’s work, especially in the areas of poverty eradication, advancing children’s rights and fostering accountability in the extractive industries.
We express our heartfelt condolences to Dr Mungaila’s family, the CSPR Board, Staff and General Membership, her colleagues in academia and the wider Zambia civil society. May God give comfort and hope to Dr Mungaila’s loved ones during this difficult time.
May Her Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.
Vusumuzi Sifile, PSAf Executive Director