• general@panos.org.zm
  • +260-211-263258
  • Mon - Sat 8:00 - 18:00
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PSAf Vision

A Southern African community that drives and owns its own development.

PSAf Mission

To amplify voices of the poor and marginalised to shape their own development.

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Strategic Approaches

1. Public policy analysis and research
2. Rights-based approach to development
3. Gender mainstreaming
4. Communication methodologies.

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1. Thematic Programmes
2. Good Governance and Democracy
3. Public Health
4. Media Development and ICTs
5. Environment and Natural Resource Management


Focus of PSAf work

We work to ensure that information is effectively used to foster development by empowering communities to shape their own agenda. We particularly focus on amplifying the voices of the poor and marginalized. We do this through: 

Innovative communication approaches

Working with mainstream and alternative media

Interfacing development actors & local communities

Providing platforms for informed debate and voice

PSAf Knowledge Management

A hub of knowledge and information on good governance,public health,media
& ICt and Environment & Natural resources.

About us

We work to ensure that information is effectively used to foster development by empowering communities to shape their own agenda. We particularly focus on amplifying the voices of the poor and marginalized.

Watch Our Short Documentary

Excerpt from Kantunya Kamunsabata magazine programme that was aired on 12th November 2016 on the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) TV1. The programme, which is in the Tonga Language, talks about how PSAf is supporting rural communities with environmentally friendly wind up and solar powered radio sets, voice recorders, as well as bicycles to facilitate engagement between community members and duty bearers on development issues. An updated version of the programme, with English subtitles, will be shared soon.


Years of Experience


Projects Done





Latest News & Stories

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Condolence Message on the Passing on of former PSAf staff member, Gillies Kasongo

The Board, Management and Staff members of Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf

September 18, 2024

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September 2, 2024

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August 30, 2024

CSOs condemn threats to use Cyber law to muzzle free expression

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August 14, 2024

Condolence message on the passing on of former Zambian First Lady, Dr Maureen Mwanawasa

Lusaka, 14 August 2024: The board, management and staff of Panos Institute South

August 12, 2024

Youth Day: A Digitally Empowered Youth Key to Inclusive, Sustainable Development

Lusaka, Zambia, 12th August 24 – Today, Panos Institute Southern Africa (PSAf)

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